One of my favorite quotes is by adrienne maree brown, who writes: “I am not turning against myself. I am multitudes.” I was just reflecting on this quote this morning!

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"The wounds of life hit us all differently. We each carry our unique stories of defeat and triumph. Heartache. Pain. grief. Joy." - Powerfully spoken.

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Ruth, good morning. This is really beautiful and profound. I especially like the idea of changing one's mind being a beautiful thing. I have often felt a righteous skepticism when I have changed my mind about what I believe. And the practice is in the questioning.

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"righteous skepticism." I have felt that

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Ruth, I think just by sharing this you are honoring your truth. I can think of many times in my life when I didn't speak my truth, because I thought the other person was smarter than me or more important or more powerful. In hindsight, I should have spoken up. My viewpoint was as valid as theirs, and they weren't "better" than me. Good for you, figuring this out a lot younger than I did.

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totally! I'm happy that we can talk about it and acknowledge that.

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